- 细微颗粒物PM2.5PM2.5
- 可吸入颗粒物PM2.5the inhalale particles PM2.5
- 研究结果表明,北京市大气中细微颗粒物污染较严重,尤其在采暖期,PM_(10)的测定结果远远超过了国家二级标准。The results showed that the fine particle pollution in air in Beijing was serious and especially in the heating period, the concentration of PM10 was far greater than the national second class standard.
- 细微imperceptibility
- 每日PM2.5、PM10的OC/EC比值均超过了2.0,揭示出西安大气颗粒物中存在二次碳气溶胶。The diurnal OC/EC ratio constantly exceed 2.0, it suggests that there were SOC in the atmospheric particles.
- 细微的hairlike
- PM2.5PM2.5
- 细微差别nuance
- 10是5的倍数。10 is a multiple of 5.
- PM2蛋白PM2 protein
- 细微的差别fine distinction
- PM2被壳病毒PM2 corticovirus
- 5辆救火车仅过1小时就把火势控制住了。Five fire engines brought the blaze under control in just over an hour.
- 这两个字之间有细微区别。There is a fine distinction between the two words.
- PM2噬菌体组PM2 phage group
- 5除10得2。5 goes into 10 twice.
- 类脂噬菌体PM2lipid phage PM2
- 细微地fine
- 积雪达5英尺。Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.
- 假单孢菌噬菌体PM2Pseudomonas PM2 phage