- 胎儿游离DNAcell-free fetal DNA
- 早孕妇女血浆中胎儿游离DNA的检测Study of fetal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma at early pregnant stage
- 游离DNACell - free DNA
- 血浆游离DNAFree DNA in serum
- 血清游离DNAFree DNA in serum
- 游离DNA片段Free-DNA part
- 用超声波检查胎儿to search the foetus with an ultrasonic generator
- 细胞游离DNASerous effusions
- 胎儿软骨发育不全[医] fetal achondroplasty
- 是胎儿引起的!From the baby!
- 结婚时已怀有的胎儿都被认为是合法的。All children under the girdle at the time of marriage are considered to be legitimate.
- 血浆游离DNA片段Circulating DNA fragments
- 胎儿-Feto-
- 胎儿发育的时期(人类约持续天)。the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans).
- 医生只好将胎儿引产。The doctor had to abort the baby.
- 半游离状打浆semi-fast beating
- dna沟dna groove
- 游离胺unhindered amina
- 胎儿额Fetal brow