- 胞外ATPextracelluar ATP
- 细胞外ATPExtracellular ATP
- 外outside
- 细胞外ATP对失神经支配后骨骼肌和脊髓前角运动神经元ATPase活性的影响Effects of extracellular ATP on the ATPase activity of denervated skeletal muscles and motor neurons of spinal cord anterior horn
- 细胞外ATP防治失神经肌肉萎缩的实验研究The effect of extracellular ATP on prevention and treatment of denervated muscle atrophy: an experimental study
- 胞外渴extracellular thirst
- 细胞外ATP对周围神经导管中再生轴突诱导作用的实验研究Guidance of regenerating axon by extracellular ATP at peripheral nerve conduit: an experimental study
- 胞外被膜cell envelope
- 胞外连丝ectodesm
- 胞外脂酶lyolipase
- 胞外共生蓝藻ectocyanosen
- 胞外质periplasm
- 胞外段ectodomain
- 胞外体exosome
- 胞外DNAextracellular DNA
- 胞外膜extraneous coat
- 胞外酶活activity of extracellular amylase
- 芽胞外被spore coat
- 胞外滤液cell-free filtrate
- 胞外多糖extracellular polysaccharide