- 货物由船舶运送。The goods were shipped per steamer.
- PDMPDM (product data management)
- 禁止向水体倾倒船舶垃圾。It is forbidden to dump ship refuse into any water body.
- 主桅船舶的主要桅杆The principal mast of a vessel.
- PDM系统PDM system
- 那些船舶是准备用来来回运送货物的。Those boats are prepared for waftage to and fro.
- PDM实施PDM Actualize
- 进港口船舶incoming vessel
- PDM集成PDM integration
- 所有船舶一国商业或海军的船只或舰队The mercantile or naval ships or shipping fleet of a country.
- PDM原理PDM management
- 船舶堵漏leak stopping of ship
- PDM项目PDM project
- 船舶浮性ship buoyancy
- PDM选型PDM selection
- 船舶防台typhoon combating of ship
- PDM技术PDM technology
- 船舶赁贷hiring of a ship