- 规则格网DEMRGD
- 规则格网DEM的流向确定是分布式水文模型的一个关键问题。The determination of flow direction in regulate grid DEM is a key problem in distributed hydrological model based DEM.
- 规则格网DEM模型regular grid DEM model
- 基于规则格网DEM的地形特征提取算法The Extraction of Topographic Patterns Based on Regular Grid DEMs
- 基于等高线膨胀生成规则格网DEM的算法The Algorithm for Generating Regular Square Grid DEM by Contour Dilation
- 从规则格网DEM自动提取汇水区域及其子区域的方法The Extraction of Catchment and Subcatchment from Regular Grid DEMs
- 格网DEMgrid DEM
- 决策规则格decision-making rule lattice
- 量化规则格Quantitative rule lattice
- 格网grid(plate)
- 基于决策规则格的入侵检测Intrusion Detection Basing on Decision Rule Lattice
- 标准格网normal grid
- 利用量化规则格分布获取关联规则Distributed Acquisition of Association Rules Based on Quantitative Rule Lattice
- 基于可变精度粗糙集的决策规则格构造The Construction of Decision Rule Lattice Based on Variable Precision Rough Set
- 参考格网reference frame
- 基于属性链表的关联规则格的渐进式构造算法Incremental algorithm for building association rule lattice based on attribute linked-list
- 测量格网survey grid
- 格网化grid transformation
- 双曲线格网hyperbolic positioning grid