- 请问是ABC公司吗?Is this the ABC Company?
- 请问是必法妥制药公司吗?可不可以请销售部的马克斯先生听电话?Is that Industry Bristol, please? May I speak to Mr. Marcus of the Sales Department, please?
- 吗morphine
- 喂,请问是箭牌口香糖公司吗?Hello. Is there Wrigley Company, please?
- 网站内所订立的各类语文班之学费,请问是不是必须跟随的?Are the language lesson fees suggested by www.languagemama.com standardized?
- 我是ABC公司的泰利刘。This is Terry Liu from ABC Company.
- 保险公司insurer
- ABC公司和奇特公司不能相比。There's no comparison between ABC Co. and Kit Co.
- 发现这块东西真的很大气,有特别有民族的感觉,请问是缅甸的手工织品吗???????This is a great handcrafted masterpiece by Burma craftman,link with silver and golden bead .Totem of sunflower!there are many courful crystal ste on it!
- ABC公司,我能帮你什么吗?ABC corporation. May I help you?
- 请问是已经进入广泛使用至少两年了,还是至少需要两年的时间才能广泛使用?The prototype, built by researchers at the Mayo Clinic and Honeywell Lboratories in Minnesota, is at least 2 years from being ready for general use.
- 她为之效忠了这么多年的公司难道竟是坏蛋公司吗?Is the company she has been so loyal to for so many years the villain of the piece?
- 请问是什么引导他做出如此轻率鲁莽的行动Pray what could induce him to commit so rash an action
- ABC公司是我们最重要的客户之一。我理解你坐立不安的原因。D: ABC is one of our most important clients. I see why you're nervous.
- 喂,请问是戴安娜吗?Hello. Is Diana there, please?
- 你觉得海川公司是一个优秀的公司吗?Do you think it is an excellent company?
- 我感到非常自豪的是我说服ABC公司撤销了对我们公司的控诉。I am very proud of the work I did in convincing the ABC Company to drop the charges against my firm.
- 请问是琼吗?Is it Joan, please?
- 我十分喜欢在ABC公司的工作,但我认为现在应该是接受新的挑战的时候了。I enjoy my tenure at ABC company but I feel it is time to move on to a new challenge.
- 我可以问问你为何要离开那家公司吗?May I ask why you left the company?