- 谈CSU野外全波列记录Approach to CSU Field Full Wavetrain Recording
- 如何可靠地、有效地记录声波全波列野外带是一个很重要的实际问题.It is a significant practical problem how reliably and effectively to record waveform on field tape in CSU.
- CSU全波列记带问题的分析Analysis of Problem Relating to Waveform Tape Recording in CSU
- 开发了声波全波列测井资料的人机交互处理技术,大大提高了各种分波信息处理的准确性。An interactive processing technique of full wave sonic logging data is developed to enhance the veracity of various wavelets.
- 开发了声波全波列测井资料的人机交互处理技术 ,大大提高了各种分波信息处理的准确性。An interactive processing technique of full wave sonic logging data is developed to enhance the veracity of various wavelets.
- "戴夫最近怎么啦?和他讲话时几乎不应声。" "天啦,难道这还不清楚吗?他在谈恋爱呢。""What's the matter with Dave recently? He hardly ever answers when he's spoken to." "Good lord-it's as plain as the nose on your face: he's in love."
- 如果你把探头放在DSU/CSU之后,你将永远看不到链路上的错误,降低了总效率。If you place the probe after the DSU/CSU, you will never see the errors on a link, reducing its overall efficiency.
- "全告诉我吧,我的孩子," 她说,"别藏在心里,我看你忍得够多的了。""Tell me it all, my lad, " she said. "Get it off your chest. I can see you've had a lot to put up with."
- 全细胞膜片钳记录whole-cell patch clamp recording
- 麦秆造纸废波wheat stalk paper-making waste water
- 政府赢得选举的策略明确地列在选举宣言中.The government's game plan for winning the election was clear from its manifesto.
- 27岁的朗黛丝说,尽管她每周去理疗一次,她今年过的大半日子“像个四肢不全的废人。”Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year "like a basket case" despite seeing a therapist once a week.
- 全小麦粉wheat powder
- 导入操作将在Access中创建一个表,然后将列和项目作为字段和记录从源列表(或视图)复制到该表中。The import operation creates a table in Access, and then copies the columns and items from the source list (or view) into that table as fields and records.
- 双腿全旋double leg circles
- 肝机能代偿不全hepatic insufficiency
- 在他的手记里,列奥纳多谈到了艺术家想像力的威力:“你可以设计出大片的土地,塑造山峰,可以看见它们后面遥远天际的大海。”In his notebooks Leonardo speaks of the power of the artist's imagination:" You can design vast tracts of land,form mountain peaks and look at the sea on a distant horizon behind them."
- 试验结果表明 ,除效率有略微降低外 ,全导通斩波控制的SRG具有控制简单、可靠性高等优点。Experimental results of a 6 kW 6/4 configuration SRG show its simplicity and high reliability with little decrease in efficiency.
- 全运动图像:全运动图像是以数字方式记录的视频图像,以每秒30帧的电视广播标准或者非常接近于此的速度重现图像,因而这些视频图像看上去很自然,没有跳跃感。FULL-MOTION VIDEO: Full-motion video is digitally recorded video played back at the broadcast standard of 30 frames per second, or close enough to that speed so the video appears smooth rather than jerky.
- 把在校外所参加的课外活动,志愿工作,兼职或全职工作等,表列出来。(若空间不够,可另纸书写。)Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, full time or part time work, outside school/ college/ university (Please feel free to use other paper in case of not enough space,.