- 谢谢您对UPS网上Thank you for your interest in licensing UPS OnLine
- 谢谢您对我的面试,我希望能再见到您。Thank you for your interview with me. I hope to see you again.
- 如何在UPS网上托运取消托运包裹?How do I void a package in UPS Internet Shipping?
- 谢谢您对这一事件的关注,企盼与您一晤。Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.
- 网上邻居network neiborhood
- 利用选极晶体管对UPS-500电源的改进Using Electrode Seletive Transistors for Improvement of UPS-500
- 谢谢您对我孩子的教诲。I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing my child.
- 若需要出口证件,UPS网上托运可让出口商于网上完成特定的文书工作。When export documentation is required, UPS Internet Shipping allows exporters the option of completing certain paperwork online.
- 谢谢您对我们的赞誉。Nice to hear your high praise of our staff.
- 谢谢您的好意thank you for your kindness
- 您对这一专题方面的看法将对此次会议的成功起到很大作用。Your thinking on the subject would contribute greatly to the success of the conference.
- 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated.
- 谢谢您,我很感激。Thank you. I'd appreciate it.
- 通过您对申请人事业的了解,您认为申请人最需要提高哪方面?From your knowledge about the applicant's career, on what aspect do you think the applicant should promote most?
- 我们谢谢您的惠顾。We thank you for your patronage.
- 我很好,谢谢您。I'm extremely well, thank you.
- 请到网上投票区,表达您对这项徵款的看法。Please give your view on the levy by taking the online poll.
- 谢谢您的赠礼和祝贺。Thank you for your gift and kindness.
- 如您对我们的网上服务有任何查询或意见。If you have any queries regarding our online services, please let us know.
- 她很好,谢谢您。She's very well, thank you.