- 趾Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of toe
- 膝Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of knee
- 手Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of hand
- 手指Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of finger
- 腕关节Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of wrist
- 目的研究三翼臼髋关节假体植入后在静载荷作用下骨盆结合处周围的变形状态。Obejective To quantitatively research the deformation distribution of the outside pelvis around the replacedartificial acetabulum joint under static loads.
- 胫骨假体Tibial prosthesis
- 植入术embedding
- 钛板假体Titanium Prosthesis
- 再植入术reimplantation
- 解剖型假体anatomical implants
- 牙植入术Tooth implantation
- 人工鼻假体artificial prosthesis
- 牙种植体植入方向在修复设计与颌骨骨量间的差异Deviation between planned prosthetic and residual bone trajectories in dental implant
- 咽植入术Implantation of pharynx
- 人工颈椎假体artifitial cervical prosthesis
- 义管植入术artificial duct implantation
- 颈椎间盘假体cervical disc prosthesis
- 无柄股骨假体cervico-trochanteric stemless femoral prosthesis
- 腕关节植入术Implantation of wrist joint