- 这个基于ASP.Based on Asp.
- 这个this
- 这个基于逆向链接的开发方法导出了下一个原则。This backward-chaining-based development methodology leads to the next principle.
- 不幸的是,这个基于LISP语言的软件不停的崩溃,该小组只好放弃这次机会,等明年再来。Unfortunately, the LISP-based software kept crashing, and they had to abandon the attempt till next year.
- 基于ASP模式的支持中小企业动态联盟使能服务系统的研究Research on an ASP Scheme-Based Enabling Service System for Small-Medium Enterprise Dynamic Alliances
- 这个基于命令行的监控器向您实时地显示集群上的负载、可用的内存、正在被使用的内存以及其他内容。This command-line-based monitor shows you the load on the cluster, the memory available, memory being used, and other things in real time.
- 详细说明:也是一个基于ASP的网上考试系统,是一个比较好的论文!Is also an ASP-based online examination system, is a relatively good thesis!
- 这个月this (current) month
- 基于ASP.NET技术的多层软件体系架构的实现Implementation of Multiplayer Application Software System Structure based on ASP. NET
- 这个基于糖尿病患者饮食的交换体系比其它两个更复杂,但是如果仔细运用这个体系,它会对日膳食充足性提供一个具有相当综合l生的评估。This system, based on the diabetic exchange system, is more complex than the other two systems, but it provides a rather comprehensive assessment of dietary adequacy when used carefully.
- 基于ASP技术的网站建设The Web construction based on ASP technology
- 为了实现在线购书,文中构建了一个基于ASP的网上书店。This paper constructs a online bookstore based on ASP to realize the shopping online.
- 基于ASP的生产经营单位人员安全生产培训考核管理系统的设计Design and Implementation of the Safety Work Training and Examination Management System for the Personnel of Enterprises Based on ASP
- 基于ASP教学网站管理系统的设计Design on Teaching Web Site Management System Based on ASP
- 基于ASP邮件列表服务系统Mailing list system based on ASP
- 基于ASP的流行语投票系统A Voting System of Catchword Based on ASP
- 基于ASP技术的网上自测试系统的设计Design of an Online Self-testing System With ASP
- 基于ASP的在线购物车系统The On-line Shopping Car System Based on ASP
- 基于ASP技术的新书通报发布Announcing Lists of New Books Based on ASP Technology
- 基于ASP的植物光合色素计算程式的实现Actualization of Calculating Functions on Photosynthetic Pigment Base on ASP