- 进水CODinfluent COD
- 进水COD浓度influent COD concentration
- 水water
- 乙酸钠为碳源时进水COD和总磷对生物除磷的影响Effect of the COD and Total Phosphorus Concentration on Biological Phosphorus Removal Supplied with Acetate as a Sole Carbon Source
- 进advance
- 在水力停留时间(HRT)6 h,进水COD逐渐提高的情况下对颗粒污泥进行驯化,20 d后pH、COD去除率趋于稳定。With HRT=6 h and influent COD increased gradually,particle sludge was tamed then effluent pH and COD removal rate was heading for stability 20 days after the operation.
- 二沉池出水COD降至150mg\L以下,达到国家污水综合排放一级标准。secondary settling tank effluent can be reduced to below 150 mg.L, meeting the first grade of integrated wastewater discharge standard.
- 他扑通一声掉进水里。He fell with a flop into the water.
- 出水COD去除率随着IAT池反应时间的延长而提高;the removal rate of outflow COD would rise with the prolonging of reacting time of IAT tank;
- 他一头栽进水中。He threw himself headlong into the water.
- Carrousel氧化沟系统出水COD预报的神经网络模型The ANN Model Predicting Effluent COD of Carrousel Oxidation Ditch System
- 我们把岩石扑通一声抛进水里We dropped the rock plump into the water.
- 左舷进水了!The port ships water!
- 你脑子进水啊?What were you thinking?
- 男孩把一块石头扔进水中。The boy cast a stone into the water.
- 船工把桨放进水中。The boatman let fall the oars into the water.
- 我要把他按进水里。I will duck him in the drink.
- 一头扎进水里plunge headlong into the water
- 供水进水管inlet supply pipe
- 他正要扎进水里,这时他看见了鲨鱼。He was just about to dive when he saw the shark.