- 远距一X射线照片teleroentgenogram
- 照片photograph
- 可敬与可笑之间仅距一步。--拿破仑There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.-Napoleon
- 关于乳房的软组织的X射线照片X-ray film of the soft tissue of the breast
- 远remote
- 而且,每一X射线都将人体暴露在具有潜在危害的辐射中,尽管今天的微小剂量几乎是十分安全的。Furthermore, each X-ray exposes a person to potentially harmful radiation, although, today's minute doses are almost completely safe.
- 现在对于距一标定过的地震仪任何距离处的任何一个地震,都可用一个震级确定之。Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assigned a magnitude.
- 可敬与可笑之间只距一步。There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
- 距一磁单元1厘米处的磁场强度。the magnetic field strength 1 cm from a unit magnetic pole.
- X射线照片有时已成功地用来发现外表均一的砂岩中的层次构造和生物扰动。X-radiography has sometimes been used with success to detect bedding structures and bioturbation in apparently uniform sandstone.
- 半远距semiremote
- 现在对于距一标定过的地震仪任何距离处的任何一个地震,都可用一个震级确定之。Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assingned a magnitude.
- 爆炸后的影响可以在一种被称为黑洞候选体的X射线双星中观察到。The after-effects are observed in some X-ray binaries known as black hole candidates.
- 远距照相机telephoto camera
- 医生认为我并未骨折,但他正等着看X射线照片.The doctor doesn't think I've broken a bone but he's waiting to see the X-rays.
- 远距辐照tele irradiation
- 奥运会于1920年春天在比利时的安特卫普举行,当时距一次世界大战结束还不到20个月。The Games came to Antwerp,Belgium,in the spring of 1920,barely 20 months since the end of the war.
- 确定经4-25MV X射线曝光的工业射线照片图象质量的试验方法Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Exposed to X-Radiation from 4 to 25 MV
- 远距long distance; tele-
- 远距X线teleroentgenogram