- 适时点片X线摄影spot film roentgenography
- 适时点片X线摄影术spot film roentgenography
- 适时点片X线摄影(术)spot film roentgenography
- 消化道点片摄影Digestive track spot film photograpy
- 线thread
- 片sheet
- 在线in-line
- 多轴位点片Multiaxial spot film
- 乳腺X线摄影Mammography
- 数字点片图像digital spot imaging system(DSIS)
- 东芝DGW-20A点片架升降故障的检修The Troubleshooting of Climbing and Dropping of Spot Film Device in TOSHIBA DGW-20 A
- 钼钯X线摄影mammography
- 东芝DGW-20A、DFW-10B诊断床点片系统故障代码12处理技巧The skills of maintenance of error code12for TOSHIBA DGW-20ADFW-10B X-ray spot film device
- X线摄影技术学X-ray Radiography Technology
- 骨冻伤平片X线分型与血管造影对照研究Classification of Bone Frostbite Based on Plain Radiograpk and Angiographic Study
- X线CR摄影X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 平片X线摄影plain radiography
- 咬翼片X线照片bite wing radiograph
- 乳腺钼靶X线摄影Mammography
- 根尖片X线检查periapical intraoral radiographic examination