- 通信协议芯片(SPC3)SPC3
- 专用通信协议芯片communication protocol ASIC
- 协议芯片protocol chip
- 协议pact
- PI总线协议芯片验证Validate of PI-BUS Interface Unit Chip
- 通信协议communication protocols
- 协议芯片SPC3ASIC SPC 3
- 一种新型远程抄表系统的集中抄表器设计及通信协议研究Study on remote reading meter's protocol of a new kind and design of the concentrated reading meter system
- USS通信协议USS communication protocol
- 1,介绍了实现该系统所需的软硬件配置以及各性能数据指标,采用USB2.0协议芯片实现高速数据流的实时传输。The main contend in this paper is as followed:1. Studying software and hardware in realizing this system and all kinds of performance data index, Using USB2.0 protocol CMOS chip to realize transmitting in time in high-speed data stream.
- CCM通信协议CCM protocols
- EPA通信协议EPA communication protocol
- I2C通信协议I2C bus communication protocol
- 系统的下位机采用Siemens公司的新型简单从站协议芯片SPM2,上位机采用安装了专用PROFIBUS通信卡CP5611的PC机,较好地实现了系统的分布性、可靠性与可扩展性.The lower computer in the system is SPM2,Siemens PROFIBUS mulitiplexer,and the upper one uses a PC with the special PROFIBUS communication card,CP5611,which results in increasing of distribution,reliability and expansibility.
- 分簇通信协议cluster-based communication protocol
- 通信协议测试communication protocol testing
- 密文通信协议cryptographic protocols
- 接口通信协议interference communication protocol
- 无线通信协议wireless communication protocol
- 诊断通信协议key word protocol 2000