- TC35I通信模块TC35I communication module
- 采用MC68332的车用控制器标定系统底层通信模块的设计与实现the Design & Realization of Bottom CommunicationModel on the Calibration System of Vehicle ECU Using MC68332
- 其中包括异步串行通信模块、CRC校验模块、车牌中与基站同步的模块等等。the serial communication module, CRC checksum generation module and synchronization module are discussed in detail.
- 探讨点对点平台通信模块的设计思路Discussion of the Design Idea of Peer-to-peer Platform Communication Module
- 你亲自或通信申请均可。You may apply in person or by letter.
- 在编程语言中,一个或多个互相关联的模块的一种逻辑组合。In programming languages, a logical assembly of one or more interrelated modules.
- 两个姑娘现在定期互相通信。Both girls write to each other regularly now.
- 半模块half module
- 在软件工程中,指较高一级程序或模块使用的一个单元或模块。In software engineering, an individual unit or module that is utilized by higher-level programs or modules.
- 用于构成一条通信线路的两根相同的导线。Two like conductors employed to form an electric circuit.
- 按序存取模块sequential access medule
- 通信灯电键key for Morse signal
- 包级模块packet-level module
- TCP通信TCP communication
- 包处理模块packet handling module
- TWI通信TWI communication
- 可插模块pluggable module
- 邮政通信网postal network
- UWB通信UWB communication