- 通信Agentcommunications Agent
- 你亲自或通信申请均可。You may apply in person or by letter.
- 两个姑娘现在定期互相通信。Both girls write to each other regularly now.
- 你一直和他通信吗?Have you been corresponding with him?
- 地下铁道通信communication in the subway
- 频分多路通信frequency division multiplex communication
- 铁路长途通信railway toll communication
- 流星余迹通信设备meteoric trail communication equipment
- 军鸽通信military pigeon communication
- 管道通信pipeline communication
- 虽然我们彼此从来没见过面,但我们通信联系已有二年多了。We have been in communication with each other by letter for more than two years although we have never seen each other.
- 掌管通信的秘书corresponding secretary
- 用于构成一条通信线路的两根相同的导线。Two like conductors employed to form an electric circuit.
- 机载通信设备Airborne Communications Equipment
- 停止通信往来drop (a) correspondence
- 防火墙将确保所有的通信符合安全政策。A firewall will ensure that all communications conform to your security policy.
- 现在人们通信很方便People it is very convenient for people to communicate through letters.
- (h) 任何通信是(h) Any communication by
- 通信干扰附加器Communications Jamming Adapter
- 船舶无线电通信maritime radio communication