- 锌脂蛋白A20Zinc finger protein A20
- 锌指蛋白A20zinc finger protein A20
- 脂蛋白亚组分Subclasses
- 富含甘油三酯脂蛋白Triglyceride -rich lipoproteins
- mCD99L2基因靶向siRNA诱导小鼠A20细胞转化为H/RS样细胞的实验研究Experiment Study of mCD99L2 Gene Targeted siRNA Transforms the Mouse A20 Cell Line into H/RS-like Cell
- 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的直接测定法The method of direct assay for low density lipoprotein cholesterol
- 硫化锌zinc sulphide(ZnS)
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。Butter is made from cream.
- 经方差分析,按病理级别分组,差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05)的有Caspasel、CDK4、c13、A20、EWS、Caspase3和EPS8。Grouped by pathology classification, Caspasel CDK4 c13 A20 EWS Caspase3 and EPS8 were significant in statistic.
- 氨基锌zincamide
- 汽油溶解油脂。Gasoline cuts oil and grease.
- 白锌矿white zinc ore
- 把蛋白打到它们耸起。Beat the egg whites until they peak.
- 载脂蛋白apolipoprotein
- B蛋白B protein
- M蛋白M protein
- 氨脂ammoniacum
- 阿魏脂galbanum
- HU蛋白HU protein
- p-蛋白p-protein