- 反观20世纪阿Q文本的文学解读史,阿Q形象作为一个活生生的文化符号,从不同层面昭示着他所携带的文化密码和人格基因。A review of the reading history of A Q in the twentieth century will show us the cultural codes and personality genes carried by A Q, a walking cultural symbol.
- 阿Q文本text of The True Story of Ah Q
- 文本text
- 《阿Q正传》是谁写的?Who was the story of Ah Q written by ?
- 纯文本plain text
- 阿拉丁Aladdin
- 阿Q气Ah - Q style
- 文本格式text formatting
- 阿尔卑斯山Alps
- 文本属性text attribute
- 阿Q之死A Q's death
- 阿尔卑斯Alps
- 阿巴斯港Bandar Abbas
- 文本的textuary
- 阿魏asafetida
- 阿片opium
- 阿谀soap
- 阿霉素adriamycin
- 作为引用文本粘贴(Q)Paste as quotation
- 阿猫阿狗Tom, Dick and Harry