- 非二进制LDPC码LDPC codes based on binary extension fields
- 非not-
- 码yard
- 以Davey(1998)提出的Monte-Carlo方法为基础的、适用于二进制PSK调制的二进制LDPC(Low-Density Parity-Check,低密度奇偶校验)码的最优化理论已经在相关文献中得到了验证。Optimization of binary LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) codes for application to binary PSK modulation has been demonstrated in the literature, on the basis of Monte-Carlo method proposed by Davey(1998).
- 一种基于循环移位矩阵的LDPC码的研究Study of the LDPC code using cyclic shift matrices
- 乱码messy code
- 非我nonego
- 源码source code
- 不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 基于结构半随机LDPC码的协同编码通信Cooperative coding based on structured semi-random LDPC codes
- 非对称asymmetric
- 非物质immateriality
- 注册码poll code
- 非标nonstandard
- 码表stopwatch
- 非晶amorphous
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 非空nonNIL
- 激活码active coding
- 非处方药non-prescribed medicine