- 非应税GDPnontaxable GDP
- 非应税项目non-taxable item
- 非应税消费品undutiable consumer goods
- 二在厂内加工为非应税产品者。Goods processed in the factory into non-taxable products.
- 非not-
- 对应(adj) match along with; corresponding
- 非应激期Non-stress period
- 应税taxable
- 非应季品non-seasonal goods
- 应税金额taxable amount
- 非应计资产non-accrual assets
- 非应激试验nonstress test; NST
- 应税股息taxable dividends
- 非应激性试验Non -stress test
- 应税期间chargeable period
- 应税事项chargeable event
- 妊娠晚期胎心监护的非应激性试验临床研究Clinical Investigation on Fetal Electronic Monitoring in Later Period of Pregnancy for Non-Stress Test
- 应税收入assessable income
- 高校心理咨询价值中立的不可能性及非应然性Impossibility and irrationality of value neutrality in college psychological counseling
- 应税限度taxable ceiling