- 非Darcy流β因子factor of non-Darcy flow
- 非Darcy渗流non-Darcy seepage
- Darcy流偏离因子coefficient of deviating from Darcyflow
- Forchheimer型非Darcy渗流Forchheimer's non-Darcy flow
- 不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 转录因子transcription factor
- 导流stream guidance
- 非标nonstandard
- 流线streamline
- Darcy定律Darcy law
- 流道flow passage
- 流鼻血nosebleed
- 流变学rheology
- 流着泪in tears
- 非球形因子asphericity parameter
- 流眼泪shed tears
- 流的streaming
- 细胞系非依赖性生长因子LIGF; lineage independent growth factor
- 流管flow passage
- 中流midstream