- 一种面向对象Petri网模型的语义和行为分析The Semantic and Behavioral Analysis of an Object-Oriented Petri Nets Model
- 面向对象Petri网及其在告警服务代理软件中的应用Object-Oriented Petri Net Model and Its Application in Alert Agent System
- 对象Petri网在信息安全建模中的应用Object Petri Nets'Application in Information Security Model
- 对象Petri子网Objected-oriented Petri subnet
- 面向对象object-oriented
- 面向对象的OO
- 面向对象程序设计object-oriented programming
- 宝钢热轧步进梁控制系统的Petri网建模及分析Petri Net Modeling and Analysis for Step Beam Control System in Hot-rolling Mill of Baosteel
- 面向对象的XMLobject-oriented XML
- Petri网在机器人烟包开包控制中的应用Application of Petri Nets in the control of the unpacking of tobacco leaf package with robot
- 面向对象软件object-oriented software
- 面向对象的地区电力通信专网资源管理系统一体化软件研究Research on the Object Oriented Local Electric Power Communication Network Resource Management System Integrated Software
- 面向对象存储OSD
- 对象化模糊Petri网object-based FPN
- 同样,基于面向对象技术的数据显示GUI必须与原始关系数据项链接。Similarly, data-displaying GUIs based on object-oriented technology must link to crude relational data items.
- 面向对象Petri网OOPN
- 对象化模糊Petri网的任务协同分配建模与推理Modeling and Reasoning of Task Collaborative Allocation Using Object-Based Fuzzy Petri Nets
- 面向对象方法学object-orientation method
- 面向对象的赋时Petri网OOTPN
- 面向对象的框架OO framework