- 面向Agent技术Agent-oriented
- 面向AgentAgent-Oriented
- 面向Agent分析Agent-Oriented Analysis
- Agent技术研究现状及其在企业集成中的应用Research of Intelligent Agent and its Application in the Enterprise Integration
- 面向Agent编程Agent-Oriented Programming(AOP)
- 智能Agent技术在航天测控数据管理中的应用Application of Intelligent Agent on the Data Ma nagement in Spacecraft Tracking
- 面向Agent的建模agent-oriented modeling
- 多Agent技术multi-agent technology
- 面向对象object-oriented
- 面向Agent程序设计agent-oriented programming
- Agent技术的诞生和发展是人工智能技术和网络技术发展的必然结果。The birth and development of Agent is resulted by the growth of AI and network technology.
- 面向对象的OO
- 面向Agent软件工程AOSE
- 随着信息技术的飞速发展,Agent技术成为人工智能领域的研究热点之一。With the rapid development of information technology, Agent technology has become focus of AI field.
- 面向对象程序设计object-oriented programming
- 对电子商务Agent技术的研究A Study on Agent Technology in E-Business
- 面向Agent的软件工程Agent-oriented software engineering
- Agent技术在CRM中的应用研究Application of Agent Technology in CRM
- 面向Agent软件开发方法agent - oriented software development