- 预制后张拉U梁precast post-tensioned U beam
- 秦沈客运专线预制后张法预应力混凝土简支梁静载试验方法及评定标准Static load test and evaluation criterion for precast post-tensioned PC simple supported beam for Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Special Line
- 一种后张拉轨枕模具的开发与应用Development and Application of a Post-tension Rail Sleeper Mould
- 后张法预应力T梁T- beam prestessed by post- tensioning method
- 这抽屉用劲一拉就可以拉开。Tug the drawer and it will open.
- 不久后in the near future
- 他拉弓把箭射了出去。He shot the arrow from the bow.
- 轴箱U形均衡梁journal box yeo
- 张老Zhang Lao
- 他用力拉了拉绳子。He gave a strong pull at the rope.
- U盘/优盘USB drive
- 他赢得赛跑后满意地笑了。He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.
- U形河曲内的土地在有这样的弯管的河里的地The land within such a bend of a river.
- 我给她拍了一张很好的快照。I snapped a nice photograph of her.
- 那只沉重的箱子几乎把绳子拉断。The heavy box strained the rope to a breaking point.
- H形梁H beam
- 我要一张单程票。I want a single ticket.
- 拖船被派去拉损坏了的油船。Tugs were sent to the damaged oil tankers.
- 杀伤炸弹是爆炸后射出许多小碎片的炸弹。A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces.
- T型梁T beam