- 高温煤气HCl脱除的研究On HCl Removal from High Temperature Coal Gas
- 氧化铈型高温煤气脱硫剂的研究进展Research progress in cerium oxide-based sorbents for high temperature desulfurization
- 用CaO脱除高温煤气中H_2S的反应动力学Reaction Kinetics on H_2S Removal from Hot Gas by CaO
- 一个谦虚的学者从不自称对自己研究的课题已经作了详尽无遗的研究。A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.
- 正脉冲电晕和氨水对SO_2、NO脱除的实验研究Experimental Studies on Removal of SO_2 and NO by Positive Pulse Corona and Ammonia Spirit
- HCl-KSCN体系季胺盐(TOMA·Cl)萃取光度法测定痕量铜的研究Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Copper in a Medium of HCl-KSCN with Trioctylmethylammonium Chloride
- 科学家正为寻找免疫的抗生原而进行有系统的研究工作。Scientists are conducting systematic research into antigens to combat immune disorders.
- 在分配前减除的税金tax deducted before distribution
- "你看上去很热。" "是的,我的鞋子让人受不了。" "那就把它脱了,不犯法的。""You look hot." "I am, and my shoes are killing me." "Take them off then, there's no law against it."
- 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。He is a famous Confucian scholar.
- 要移除的SOAP扩展类的名称。The name of the SOAP extension class to remove.
- 高温除尘过滤材料的研究Development of Filter Elements for High-temperature Gas Filtration
- 要移除的SOAP扩展反射类的名称。The name of the SOAP extension reflector class to remove.
- 教授把自己的研究热忱移注给学生。The professor transfused his enthusiasm for research into his students.
- 铬盐脱除chromate removal
- 熟练使用文字的练习对于自然科学的研究也是有帮助的。Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillaryto the study of natural science.
- 提高ONP脱墨效果的研究ONP Deinking by Complex Cellulases with Different Optimal pH
- 碱处理法脱除红曲色素中桔霉素Detoxication of Citrinin from Monascus colorant by Alkali Process
- 三甲基品红与脱氧核糖核酸作用的共振光散射光谱的研究Determination of Deoxyribonucleic Acid with New Magenta by A Resonance Light - scattering Technique