- 高致病性PRRSVhighly pathogenic PRRSV
- 目前仍不完全清楚候鸟在高致病性禽流感传播中的作用。The role of migratory birds in the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza is not fully understood.
- 2007年高致病性禽流感和口蹄疫等重大动物疫病免疫方案2007 Immunization Program of Major Animal Diseases Including Avian Influenza and Foot and Mouth Disease
- 龙岩市人感染高致病性禽流感高危人群防护行为与防治知识调查Investigation on Protecting Behavior and Prevention and Control Knowledge among High Risk Population of Human Infection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
- 高致病性蓝耳病high pathogenic PRRS
- 致病性pathogenicity
- 猪源致病性沙门氏菌耐药基因PCR和基因芯片检测技术研究PCR and Gene Chip Detection Methods of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes of Pathogenic Salmonella from Swine
- 有时新生儿和2岁以内婴幼儿的腹泻和胃肠炎是由致病性E.Bcl - 2 usually act against apoptotic cell death.
- 高致病性毒力岛high pathogenicity island (HPI)
- 奶牛粪中致病性大肠杆菌的分离鉴定及生物学特性的研究Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Escherichia coli from Cow Dung and Study of its Biological Characteristics
- 致病性寄生虫pathogenic parasite
- 致病性咬合pathogenic occlusion
- 致病性真菌pathogenic fungus
- 平衡致病性balanced pathogenicity
- 致病性寄生物[医] pathogenic parasite
- 致病性微生物invasive organism
- 致病性nsSNPsdeleterious nsSNPs
- 致病性弱的小种weak pathogenic race
- 植物-致病性真菌plant-pathogenic fungi
- 致病性精神创伤psycholeptic episode