- 龋齿的X线照相指数roentgenographic index of dental caries
- 线thread
- 活动分期是根据x线照相的变化和细菌学调查结果而确定的。The stages of activity are defined by roentgenographic changes and bacteriologic findings.
- 儿童腺样体肥大的X线表现X-ray Manifestations of Adenoidal Hypertrophy in Children
- 方法回顾性分析12例经临床诊断及治理的强直性脊柱炎髋关节病变的X线和CT表现。Methods Analysis of Ctmanifestations in 12 cases of ankylosing spondylitis proved by clinical,X ray and CT data.
- 乳房X线照相mammography
- 肩峰骨赘的X线诊断Diagnosis of X-ray Arthrography in the Osteophyte of Acromion
- 阴道X结造影(术), 阴道X线照相(术)vaginography
- 耻骨骨炎的X线诊断X-ray Diagnosis of Osteitis Pubis
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影,间接X线照相法fluorography
- 鼻骨骨折的X线与CT诊断Diagnosis of nasal bone fraetures with X-ray and CT
- 系列摄影,连续X线摄影术,连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 骨样骨瘤的X线与CT诊断X-ray and CT diagnosis of osteoid osteoma
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影,连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 前牙根管的X线图像分析Radiographic image analysis of root canal in anterior teech
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影(术), 间接X线照相法fluorography
- 用乳房X线测定法拍成的X光照片an x-ray image of the breast produced by mammography
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影(术), 连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 原发性十二指肠癌的X线诊断X-ray Diagnosis on the Primary Cancer of Duodenum
- 成人原发性肺结核的X线诊断X-ray Findings of Primary Tuberculosis in Adults