- 3个月Shibor3M Shibor
- 计划已被搁置3个月了。The plan has been laid by for three months.
- 怀孕3个月3 months pregnant
- 司机的执照已被吊销3个月了。The driver's certificate has been decertified for three months.
- 投入使用3个月3MIS Three Months in Service
- 以3个月为期be done within the limit of three months
- 该船舶根据第23条获得注册;由临时注册日期起计的3个月期届满。"the registration of the ship under section 23; or the expiry of a period of 3 months commencing on the date of provisional registration, whichever first occurs."
- 自我见到他快3个月了。It's going on for three months since I saw him.
- 他准备呆3个月。He will stay for three months.
- 3个月就有13个星期。Three months comprised thirteen weeks.
- 过去3个月的平均数the average for the last three months or the last three months'average
- 从今天开始3个月之后,n.Three months from today,N.
- 他在亚洲旅游了3个月。He journeyed for three months around Asia.
- 偷窃使他坐了3个月牢。The theft earned him three months in jail.
- 0-3个月 乖宝宝,不哭!0-3 Months Baby, no cry!
- 主要股票指数降3个月最低Key stock index falls to 3-month low
- 该地区已封闭约达3个月之久。The district has been sealed off for about three months .
- 在以后的3个月中,我们歼灭了大约25个旅。We destroyed about 25 brigades in the next three months.
- 这个新的公共汽车驾驶员受雇已有3个月了。The new bus driver has been employed for three months.
- 他们在法国漫游了3个月。For three months they wandered in France.