- 9 附录E: 搜索修饰符9 Appendix E: Search Qualifiers
- 搜索search
- 9.1.2 搜索修饰符的优先级9.1.2 Search Qualifier Precedence
- 除非附录E中有注明,否则不应限制扳机扣压。There shall be no restriction on the trigger pull weight of the handgun except as specified in Appendix E.
- 高级搜索advanced search
- 威力评定-各个组别的威力系数限制都可见于附录E。Power Ratings - The power factor requirements for each Division are included in Appendix E.
- 以下搜索修饰符同时出现时具有相同的优先级。The following find-qualifiers occur at the same level of precedence.
- 搜索的searching
- 除非附录E中有注明,否则不应限制瞄准具之种类。There shall be no restriction on the type of sights except as specified in Appendix E .
- 具体信息请参考附录中的搜索修饰符部分。See the Search Qualifiers appendix for more information.
- 比赛组别限制了不同的枪种及装备,各个组别的规定详列于附录E中。Competition Divisions recognize different firearms and equipment. The requirements for each Division are listed in Appendix E.
- 搜索网dragnet
- 搜索条件search criteria
- 拨9可接通外线。Dial 9 to get an outside line.
- IPSC竞赛中各个组别的威力评定都规范于附录E中,而测速器被用来决定各组枪枝与弹药的威力系数。The power ratings for each Division in IPSC competition are defined in Appendix E. A chronograph is used to determine the power factor for each firearm and ammunition.
- 以4乘9。to multiply 9 by 4 .
- 词典的附录an appendix attached to the dictionary
- 当搜索修饰符联合使用时,它们的优先级如下:Precedence of search qualifiers, when combined is as follows:
- 3自乘得9。3 squared is nine .
- 补充,附录A supplement or appendix.