- A正好和B一样。A is just like B.
- 现在的水平大概正好和高中生一样,哭!Maybe I just reach the level as poor English as a high school strudent now, OMG!
- 我这张书桌正好和那张旧书桌一样宽。This desk is just as wide as that old one.
- B一样条函数B-splines
- 把A和B相比parallel A with B
- 中心B一样条函数centrosysmmetric B-spline wavelet
- 这正好和我们传统的打破信息的观点相反。This is very contrary to our traditional view of trying to fragment the information.
- 将A和B区别Distinguish between A and B; identify between A and B
- 我们的房间正好和他们的一样大。Our room is just as big as theirs.
- 头奖由A和B二人分享。The first prize was divided between A and B.
- 因为那个伤口正好和小强的牙齿吻合!Cause the bite just matches with John Jr.'s teeth.
- 天然卫生杀虫剂灭害霸A型和B型对蟑螂、蚂蚁的防治效果Effects of Natural Hygienic Insecticide Miehaiba A and B on Preventing Cockroaches and Ants
- 她那绿色拖地长裙正好和她修长的优美身材相配。Her green floor length dress complemented her tall lean good looks.
- 开启排气阀A和B。Open bleed valves "A" and "B".
- 这扇窗户正好和那扇一样宽。This window is just as wide as that one.
- 彩超和B-flow技术评估下肢深静脉瓣膜反流程度的临床价值Clinical value of color Doppler flow imaging and B-flow technique in assessing the grade of deep venous valvular regurgitation of lower limbs
- 1988年4月7日是第一个“世界无烟日”,正好和“世界健康日”重合。April 7,1988 was the World's First No Tobacco Day,coinciding with World Health Day.
- 红细胞携带A抗原和B抗原的血型the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
- 拉尼娜指的是热带太平洋表层水温比正常要低,它对很多地区气候的影响正好和厄尔尼诺相反。La Nina refers to the below-average temperature of the tropical Pacific Ocean's surface, which has the opposite influences on the weathers of many places.
- BHC、DDT和B(a)P在内蒙古草地牧草中污染现状的初步调查The Preliminary Invesdgation on Pollution of BHC,DDT and B(a)P in Grassland Herbage of NeiMenggu