- 他用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位。He got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means.
- Apr-3Apr-3
- 他靠欺骗弄到了钱。He got the money by deceit.
- APR Ⅰ(=anterior pituitary reaction Ⅰ) 垂体前叶反应Ⅰ
- APR Ⅱ(=anterior pituitary reaction Ⅱ) 垂体前叶反应Ⅱ
- 谅你也不敢欺骗我。I dare you to cheat me.
- APR Ⅲ(=anterior pituitary reaction Ⅲ) 垂体前叶反应Ⅲ
- 你不应该被人的外表所欺骗。You should not be misled by a person's appearance.
- APR货架APR rack
- 他一想到还要欺骗人就感到很不是滋味。The very idea of cheating people again is distasteful to him.
- APR欺骗ARP-cheat
- 我欺骗了他,而他发觉了。I deceived him and he found it out.
- APR-倾斜过程APR-titling procedure
- 你知道他欺骗他的妻子吗?Did you know he was cheating on his wife?
- APR使用3次均获成功。On the contrary,that of APR was success.
- 欺骗他的那个想法使我很不愉快。The very idea of cheating him is distasteful to me.
- APR-倾斜过程与维数向量The APR-Titling Procedure and the Dimension Vector
- 我不愿意欺骗他。I don't like deceiving him.
- 深井APR测试管柱的力学分析与强度评定Static and strength analysis of APR testing string in deep wells
- 很难欺骗一个聪明的律师。It is difficult to hoodwink a smart lawyer.