- AR预测AR prediction
- 双回归(AR-R)预测模型double regression model
- 那是我第一次预测天气。That was my baptism into weather wisdom.
- ar 转变ar transformation
- 人才需求预测manpower demand forecasting
- 吹Arargon gas injection
- 天气预报预测明天天晴。The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorrow.
- AR谱AR power spectrum
- 前途看来难以预测。The future looks very doubtful.
- 靠某种迹象,我们可以预测酷热和下雨。By certain signs we may presage of heats and rains.
- C3-ArC3 - At
- 气象预报预测今天有短时雷雨大风。The weather forecast says there will be a brief thunderstorm today.
- K-ArK-Ar
- 我们生活在现在,只能预测未来We are living in the here and can only speculate about the hereafter.
- Ar原子argon atom
- 更新及预测update and project
- AR算法auto regressive algorithm
- 预测矿藏量ore expectant
- AR模型AR model