- AT供电方式AT power supply mode
- AT供电AT-fed
- 同相AT供电cophase AT power supply
- 全并联AT供电All-parallel AT power supply
- 供电方式power supply mode
- 长距离综掘工作面高压供电方式的改进Improvement of High-voltage Power Supply Manner within Long Distance
- AT供电制接触网自动调压方案研究Study on Automatic Voltage Regulation Scheme for Overhead Contact System in AT Power Supply
- 抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的。The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.
- 单轨行车新型供电方式及相关技术分析Novel Power Supply Method and Technology Analysis for Electrified Monorail System
- 请以快递方式寄这个包裹。Please send the parcel express.
- 全并联AT供电网络的电气特性分析及其故障测距方法的研究Analysis of Electrical Specification of All-parallel AT Traction Supply System and the Study of Its Fault Location Methods
- 这部小说描写那里的普通人的生活方式。The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there.
- 组合式有源电子传感器测量回路供电方式的研究Study on the power supply of the new type of combined electronic transducers in measure loop
- 鲍勃想以送礼的方式来讨好老师。Bob tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher by giving her presents.
- 打手势是一种非言语的表达方式。Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression.
- 有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.
- 冗余供电方式redundancy power supply
- 最好采取什麽方式继续下去?What is the best way of proceeding?
- 悠闲的生活方式a laid-back way of living