- ATM的时间透明性The Time Transparancy of ATM
- 时间透明性time transpatency
- 运动员们跑马拉松时教练记下了他们每跑一千米所用的时间。The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon.
- 有时延的时间透明性semi-real time transparency
- 仅花了前张专辑一半的时间,它的销量就突破百万大关。It took just half the time of its predecessor to surpass the million mark in sales.
- 要明智地使用你的时间。Try to use your time sensibly.
- 她花全部的时间照料年迈的父亲。She spends all her time nursing her old father.
- 你应该合理分配自己的时间。You should plot out your time properly.
- 他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day.
- 喂的时间应与婴儿从奶头吸吮同等量所需要的时间相等。Feeding time should last as long as the same amount was fed by nipple.
- 技术文件交付的时间应当符合受方工程的计划进度要求。The time period of the handing over of technical documents shall meet the requirements of the recipient's planned schedule for the project.
- 因此,曾具体规定了会议、下操的时间,取消平时的岗哨。Therefore, specific number and length of time were fixed for meetings and drills, and routine sentry duties were cancelled.
- 没有规则的时间关系,对程序指令的执行是无法预料或不可预测的。Without regular time relationship;unexpected or unpredictable with respect to the execution of a program's instructions.
- 从计算机发出指令到开始从存储器单元传送数据之间的时间。Time lag between completion of instruction staticizing and the initiation of the movement of data from its storage location.
- 天文台利用铯原子钟,提供香港的时间标准,该钟误差每日不超过一微秒。The Hong Kong Time Standard is provided by a caesium beam atomicclock. Accuracy within fractions of a microsecond a day is maintained.
- 通过测验进行使黑猩猩免于更深的灾难的研究花了七年的时间。Developing the tests to do this study without further endangering chimp populations took seven years.
- 然后各组的第二位发言人有两分钟的时间反驳其他组的观点。The second speaker from each team will then have two minutes to rebut the arguments made by the other teams.
- “我织一件那样的线衫就差不多要花一周的时间”她说。"But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater" she said.
- 噢,这会儿正是用餐的时间,我们最好打电话订一张饭桌。Oh,it's dinner time now. We'd better phone to book a table.
- 没有他,至少我们中国人民还要在黑暗中摸索更长的时间。Without him the Chinese people would,at the very least,have spent much more time groping in the dark.