- B值鞅差随机变量族array of martingale difference in Banach spaces
- B-值双随机狄里克莱级数在收敛平面上的增长性The growth of B-value bi-random Dirichlet series convergence in the whole plane
- 用差示红外光谱法测定旧汽油机油中氧化值和硝化值Determination of Oxidation Number and Nitration Number in Used Automobile Oil by Differential Infrared Spectrometry
- 磷族phosphorus family
- 取阀罩外径D_2=D_B-1.5;take the bonnet outside diameter D_2= D_B- 1.5;
- 求差法Subtracting of data
- 太阳族电影taiyozoku films
- 宽带随机激励wide-band random excitations
- "与" 门真值表truth table for AND gate
- 逐差法Successive minus method
- 次指数分布族Subexponential distributions
- 一个奇函数的图形一般如图4.1(b)所示。The graph of an odd function has the general appearance of Fig 4. 1b.
- 随机优化数值方法Numerical Methods for Stochastic Optimization Problems
- 充值top up
- 广域差分wide area differential GPS
- B超对猫抓病诊断价值探讨(附23例分析)Evaluation of B-scan Ultrasonography in Diangnosing Cat Scratch Disease(CSD)(Analysis of 23 Cases)
- 广义平稳随机信号wide-sense stationary random signals
- 宽带Ⅱ-Ⅵ族磁性半导体wide band gap Ⅱ-Ⅵ diluted semiconductors
- 高ph值油剂high pH finisher
- 宽度超差width off-tolerance