- 学习to study
- Q学习Q-learning
- B-Q学习B-Q learning
- 动态Q学习dynamic Q learning algorithm
- 学习的scholastic
- Q学习算法Q-learning algorithm
- 学习能力learning capacity
- 学习委员commissary in charge of studies
- 学习成绩academic record
- 烟粉虱B型和Q型群体遗传结构的RAPD分析RAPD analysis of population genetic structure of Bemisia tabaci biotype B and biotype Q
- 努力学习swot at
- 阿Q正传The True Story of Ah Q
- 学习方法learning method
- 自主学习autonomic learning
- 英语学习English study
- 好好学习,天天向上。Study well and make progress every day.
- 学习计划study plan
- 学习环境academic environment
- 学习资料learning materials
- 继续学习continued learning