- 基于BSG模型的BBL布局The BSG-Based Building Blocking Layout Placement
- 对于一般的 BBL布局 ,一个基本问题是如何对布局问题的解进行有效的表示 ,文献 [1 ]提出了 BSG模型并对 non- slicing结构的 BBL布局进行了成功的表示。As for general problems in building block layout(BBL) placement,an essential factor is how to represent the candidate solutions effectively. The representation model termed bounded sliceline grid (BSG) can describe the BBL placement with non slicing structure successfully. the BSG model is investigated and developed in the paper.
- BBL布局BBL Placement
- BBL布局的V-H树V-H Trees in the BBL Placement
- 人4-BBLhuman 4-1BB ligand
- 阴丹士林玫瑰红BBLindanthrene rose BBL
- 阴丹士林亮桃红BBLindanthrene brilliant pink BBL
- BBL布局的均场退火方法A Mean Field Annealing Approach for BBL Placement
- 改进的“带宽最小化”BBL布局算法An Improved Bandwidth Minimization BBL Placement Algorithm
- 这篇文章布局合理。The article has a logical composition.
- 最优电源布局optimal generation location
- 林业生产布局allocation of forestry production
- 城市布局形式pattern of city layout
- 这些园林规模不大,但布局灵巧。These gardens are not big but exquisitely laid out.
- 园林布局garden layout
- 公益设施的合理布局A rational distribution of public amenities
- 创建布局Create Layout
- 新建布局New Layout
- 布局寄存器topology register
- Web布局Web layout