- Bai people's folk song 白族民歌
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。
- Folk Songs of Bai People in Dali and Traditional Music Education of the Ethnic Minority 大理白族民歌传唱与少数民族传统音乐教育
- The folk song has a good run in this area. 这支民歌在这个地区非常流行。
- The entertainers kicked off with a folk song. 表演者唱了一首民歌作为第一个表演节目。
- This folk song is beautiful,people listen enchanted. 这民歌太美了,让你听得如痴如醉。
- She is singing a Xizang folk song. 她在唱西藏民歌。
- Where did you learn this British folk song,any-way? 不管怎么样,你到底是在哪里学会唱这首英国民歌的?
- She sang a very melodious folk song too,didn't she? 戴: 她唱了一首很好听的民歌,是不是?
- This song is based on old folk song. 这支歌源于一首古老的民族歌曲。
- He sang a folk song to his guita. 他弹着吉它唱了一支民歌。
- She composed a quartet out of the old folk song. 她根据这首老民歌创作了一个四重奏。
- The Bai people have a well-deserved reputation for their friendship and hospitality. 白族人民以其友好与好客而负盛名。
- That folk song has a French origin. 那首民歌源于法国。
- The folk songs of Ewenki people are very melodious. 鄂温克族的民歌特别好听!
- I often hear her sing the folk song. 我常听到她唱这首民歌。
- So we, that are, me, Tomato, Big brother and another girl from Isrel went biking to Xizhou to see the ancient house of Bai people. 是一个很漂亮的女孩子。昨天在房间里面遇见她。她是来中国学习中医的,在成都已经呆了4个月,还要再呆两个星期,然后去印度,然后回以色列。
- Variations on an Austrian Folk Song Op. 五、奥地利民歌主题变奏曲。
- Miss Collin sang a Taiwanese folk song. 柯玲小姐唱了一首台湾民谣。
- Shilong Folklore Culture Village Shilong Folklore Culture Village is lo-cated on Shibao Mountain,just 3km away from the stone grotto which is prima-rily inhabited by Bai people. 石龙民俗文化村石龙村位于石宝山,距剑川石窟仅3公里,为白族聚居村。石龙村的民俗文化遗产十分丰富,主要有霸王鞭、白曲、本子曲演唱、佛教阿吒力科议、洞经音乐演奏、滇戏表演等。