- C型行波法C-Traveling wave method
- C型行波故障定位c model traveling waves fault location
- 基于半解析法的旋转型行波超声电机定子的动态特性分析Modeling of Stator of a Traveling Wave Rotary Ultrasonic Motor Based on Semi-analytical Method
- 波surge
- T型行波电极T-type electrode
- 光电型行波管photo type traveling wave tube
- 用初参数法解C型波纹管在子午面内整体弯曲Numerical Solution for C-Shaped Bellows Overall Bending in a Meridian Plane by Initial Parameter Method
- C型梁C beam
- 主动行波法initiating traveling wave mode
- C型板C type plate
- 采用基因配型行同种异体肾移植术Homologous Donor Renal Transplantation with Gene Type Matching
- 单端行波法single ended approach based on travelling wave
- C型行为C type behavior
- 对肾门前唇短型行肾盂腹侧切开取石术的报告Report on the Operation of Nephropyelithotomy through Ventral Incision at the Short Anterior Labium Renel Hilum
- C型肝炎hepatitis C
- 行波法与积分变换法Travelling wave method and integral transform method
- C型压机C - type hydraulic press
- MD型行星际磁场螺旋扇形过渡区中的不稳定性Instabilities in the MD Type Spiral Sector Transition Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- C型机翼C - wing
- 一旋转Kerr-Newman-Kasuya-De Sitter型行电恒星体的一些热力学性质Some Thermodynical Properties of a Rotating Kerr-Newman-Kasuya-De Sitter Type Stellar Object