- CO2激光扁桃体切除术carbon dioxide laser tonsillectomy
- 扁桃体切除术和腺样体刮除术治疗儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征疗效观察Effect of Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- 乳房根治切除术的晚期并发症是什么?What is the late complication of radical mastectomy?
- 术后postoperative
- 小粱切除术Trabeculectomy
- 不学无术be ignorant and incompetent
- 腺叶次全切除术Subtotal thyroid lobectomy
- 小梁显微切除术Trabeculectomy
- 激光周边虹膜切除及成形术治疗青光眼的体会Peripheral iridectomy combined iridoplasty for glaucoma
- 子宫切除术hysterectomy
- 癌切除术carcinectomy
- 开胸贲门癌切除术Thoracotomic resection of carcinoma of Gastric Cardia
- [医]镫骨切除术stapedectomy
- 疤痕切除术oulectomy
- 白膜切除术albuginectomy
- 半肝切除术mihepatectomy
- 半喉切除术hemilaryngectomy
- 半舌切除术hemiglossectomy
- 半肾切除术heminephrectomy
- 半体切除术hemicorporectomy