- CP线腐蚀corrosion of CP wire
- 电容器用超低电阻率工作电解液与CP线腐蚀Super-low resistivity working electrolyte for capacitors and corrosion of CP wire
- 在线in-line
- CP线表面黑斑成因分析The Cause of Formation Analisis of the Black Stain in the Surface of CP Wire
- 刀线腐蚀knife-line attack; knife line corrosion
- 在线腐蚀监测in situ corrosion monitoring
- 张力对斜拉桥拉索镀锌钢绞线腐蚀行为影响Effect of Tension on Corrosion Behavior of Galvanized Steel Wire for Cable-Stayed Bridge
- 布线wiring
- 周线contour
- 在线的on-line
- 耐腐蚀的corrosion resistant
- 配线wiring
- 铁锈正腐蚀着铁铰链。Rust is eating away the iron hinge.
- 综合布线integrated wiring
- 是权力腐蚀了他。It was power that corrupted him.
- 零线zero curve
- 酸腐蚀金属很快。The acid eats into metals quickly.
- 排线winding displacement
- 你知道酸腐蚀金属的原因吗?Do you know the cause of bad losing metal?
- 米线rice stick