- Can I tempt you to another bottle of beer? 再来一瓶啤酒好吗?
- Can I tempt you to another cup of tea? 我劝你再喝一杯茶吧!
- Can I tempt you to another cup of tea ? 我劝你再喝一杯茶吧!
- Can not I tempt you to have some fish? 再吃点鱼不行吗?
- Can not I tempt you to have some fish ? 再吃点鱼不行吗?
- Can't I tempt you to have some more fish? 你再吃点鱼不行吗?
- Can't I tempt you to another helping? 请再吃一点,好不好?
- Can't I tempt you to have another helping? 再吃一点好吗?
- How did you feel when I tempted you with a pay raise? 当我用更高的工资引诱你们时,你们有什么感觉?
- Daddy, why can t I play in your toolbox? 爸爸,为什么我不能摆弄你的工具箱?
- I can't tempt you to jump down and take a look? 我不能引诱你跳下去看看么?
- Can't I tempt you? 你无论如何再吃一点不行吗?
- These are the words of the Buddha. I am not trying to tempt you. 这是佛陀说的话,并不是我用来引诱你们的。
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服务员:哦!很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商进货。
- Even worse, it can tempt you into writing fewer tests than you otherwise would. 更糟的是,它会诱使您编写比在其它情况下更少的测试。
- Y. T r. T t d m a e o o t c h a t i o a p l. 是的。这些的确很重要,其中任何一项都会对一个人的生活产生重大影响。
- I a g t t I h c h. C y t m a t o o S? 雪莉。真不错,我还可以选择。你可以给我介绍一下周六的那一场吗?
- The devil will try to tempt you to sin. 魔鬼会引诱你作恶。
- M 1:50 p ? T i a l o w t l . W d T e ? 妈妈1:五十磅?那要减重很多。汤姆都吃什么?
- When you again resisted your emotions when I tempted you with more money,you were again learning to think in spite of being emotionally charged. 当你们在我用更多的钱诱惑你们时,你们抵制住了感情,你们就又一次进行了思考而不是任由感情控制你们。