- China' s oil enterprises 石油企业
- After China's entry into the WTO,China's oil enterprises stand in competition with worldclass oil companies. 中国加入WTO后,石油企业面临着与世界顶级石油公司的竞争。
- The move would create valuable products and potentially reduce China‘s oil dependency. 此举将带来有价值的产品,并可能减少中国对石油的依靠。
- There is still no law apportioning Iraq’s oil resources. 关于一如何分配石油还是没有法律出台。
- In view of the practical condition of adopting standards in China's oil enterprises, some effective approaches to accelerating the process of adopting standards are propos... 针对石油企业采标现状,提出了加快采标步伐的有效途径。
- In 1999 the reorganization of China's oil enterprises will be divided into Yumen Petroleum Administration for Yumen Oilfield Company and Yumen Petroleum Administration Bureau. 1999年中国石油企业改制重组,将玉门石油管理局分设为玉门油田分公司和玉门石油管理局。
- The safety of oil transportation plays an important role in the oil safety system,and the safety of import oil shipping is the most risky linkage in China s oil transportation chain. 中国能源安全已提高到国家战略的高度,石油运输安全在石油安全体系中占重要地位,中国进口石油海运安全是中国的石油运输链条中风险最大的一个环节。
- Bright Daqing sprit and Daqing culture have been formed in the long course of development and construction in oil enterprises. 石油企业在长期的发展建设过程中曾经形成了具有鲜明特色的大庆精神和大庆文化。
- Major progress has been made in CNPC's oil and gas explo-ration in the recent decade. 近10年来CNPC油气勘探取得了重要进展,油气探明储量不断增长,新区带时有发现。
- In 1993 Zeng Hao was invited to take a professorial position at the Guangdong Art Academy’s Oil Painting department. 1993年曾浩受邀,任教于广州美术学院油画系。
- To this end,oil enterprises must make gr eat effort to improve R &D,management expertise and marketing skills. 石油企业创造名牌产品,实施名牌战略,必须从提高企业科技水平、管理水平和营销水平等几方面下功夫。
- If oil remains in the 40s, some of that deficit will likely come from the world’s oil exporters. 如果油价仍然维持在40%24,有些赤字将可能来自全世界的石油出口国。
- In addition, the authorities use subsidy, technique help and financing means to encourage domestic oil enterprises to vie abroad. 另外,政府还通过补贴、技术援助和融资手段支持国内能源企业参与国际竞争。
- The rumour about the terror attack at Nigeria's production establishments last week did not drive the OPEC's oil prices soaring. 上周关于尼利曰亚石油设施受恐怖袭击的谣言并没有引起石油价格的飞涨。
- In what appears to be the beginning of a full-scale purge, reformist sympathisers in Iran’s oil ministry have been replaced by hardliners. 在这波疑似肃清行动的风潮开始之初,许多在伊朗石油部里的亲改革派成员都一一被强势派取代。
- On the Innovation in Organizational Model of Oil Enterprises--Reflections and Practice on the Organizational Restructuring of PetroChina Changqing Petrochemical Branch Co. 试论石化企业的组织模式创新--中油长庆石化组织重构的思考与实践。
- Hearts pumping faster than the oil rigs behind them, newlyweds ride in a garlanded car to a reception in Daqing, capital of China\'s oil industry. 这对新人的心跳恐怕比后方的油井跳得还快,他们正搭乘礼车到大庆举行仪式。
- In the process of the development of the petroleum industry, establishing the green ecotypic oil field is the main direction of oil enterprises at present and in future. 在石油工业发展的过程中,建设绿色生态油田是石油企业现在和未来的主要发展方向。
- Kuwait’s Oil Minister Mohammad Al-Olaim said on Monday as he left for an Opec meeting that he saw no need to cut the cartel’s oil production. 客服管理 包括客服权限的分配、客服分组、客服监控等功能,强大的客服管理功能,使搬家公司能胜任更高要求级别的高端用户。
- David Fyfe, the head of the IEA's oil industry and market division, said the recovery in world oil demand would depend on the performance of the global economy and oil prices. 负责国际能源署石油产业和市场部的戴维.法伊夫说:“世界石油的需求恢复将取决于全球经济状况和油价。