- Yet the detailed analysis for every stage is conducive to the all-rounded understanding on the entire development of piano art, and thus plays an important role in the study of China"s piano works. 而对每个阶段的详细分析,有助于对整个钢琴艺术发展做更加全面的了解,对中国钢琴作品的研究具有重要的意义和作用。
- China' s piano art 中国钢琴艺术
- It 's one of Chopin 's piano concertos . 这是肖邦的钢琴协奏曲之一。
- It's one of Chopin 's piano concertos. 这是肖邦的钢琴协奏曲之一。
- Require having the abbreviated letter “BPAC”(capital) of “Blue Piano Art Center”. 要求有“蓝色钢琴艺术中心”缩写字母“BPAC”(大写)。
- Carl.Philipp.Emanuel.Bach plays a significant role in the history of both western music and piano art. 巴赫在西方音乐史和钢琴艺术史上占有很重要的地位。
- The fourth chapter deals with the pioneering effect of Czerny"s piano works to romanticism. 第四章阐述了车尔尼钢琴音乐对浪漫主义的开拓作用。
- Creation is the main body of Chinese piano art and the Chinese music writers are working hard to make piano art nationalized. 创作是中国钢琴艺术的主体,中国的作曲家们一直在向着使钢琴民族化的方向努力着。
- In Debussy s piano music, he employs the pentatonic scale, diatonic, chromatic and parallel chords to expand the acoustical effects of the piano. 因此,若要诠释德布西的作品,除了从音乐本身之外,还要藉助于具有微妙神韵的文学性想像力与充满色彩和立体感的美术创作鑑赏力。
- And in the last chapter, the author will give his own idea on Rachmaninoff"s piano music style from the aspect of piano performance. 第四章针对拉赫玛尼诺夫的钢琴音乐风格,从钢琴演奏的角度表达了作者的看法。
- This paper respectively researches and analyzes WangJianZhong"s piano reorganizing creation and the creation with modern techniques. 本文就王建中的钢琴曲改编创作和运用现代技法的创作分别进行了研究分析。
- The author considers the training of children"s piano learning interesting should be fitted children"s mind requirement for love, adscription, devoir, cognitive and taste etc. 笔者认为培养幼儿钢琴学习兴趣要从适应幼儿的爱、归属、尊重、认知、审美等心理需要;
- So, on the basis Of the previous researches, the writer tries to make a more deep discussion about the oriental characteristics of Debussy"s piano pieces. 因此我基于前人对德彪西与加麦兰的研究成果,及人们对德彪西与中国文化的零星联想,本文试对德彪西钢琴作品的东方色彩做更深入的探讨,主要有以下五个方面。
- And together with the technique of the Etude itself, the paper has a comprehensive view on Chopin"s piano Etudes through the analysis of the Etudes" creative means and features. 结合练习曲本身的技术性,并通过对练习曲的创作手法与特点的分析,来综合阐述肖邦的钢琴练习曲。
- The Chapter three in two sections is the consideration of "Aesthetics" in the Satie" s piano works, namely the expression and meaning of "Dadaism" and"Superrealism" . 第三章是对萨蒂钢琴作品中美学问题的思考,分为两节。第一节是传统有序结构在萨蒂钢琴作品中的表现;
- The three part analyze the water, the light, the fire three concrete images in melody, tonality , texture and the skill of play comparatively, and understands Debussy"s piano language deeply. 第三部分通过对水、光、火三个具体的意象从曲式、调性、织体、演奏技巧等方面的分析比较,试图更进一步地深化理解德彪西的钢琴语言。
- The thesis here holds that Debussy"s piano music has extreme individuality and originality.Its rebel against and innovation in the traditional music far exceed the inheritance and continuity. 本文提出,德彪西的钢琴音乐是一种极具个性、极富创意的音乐,它对传统音乐的反叛和创新远远超过了继承和延续。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- Boecker said, are activated when people are involved in romantic love affairs or, he said, “when you hear music that gives you a chill of euphoria, like Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3. 或者是,他说,“当你听到一首让你陶醉得战栗的乐曲时,比如,拉赫马尼诺夫的第三钢琴协奏曲。”