- Clarke次微分Clarke subdifferential
- r次微分形式differential form of degree r
- 次微分subdifferential
- γ-次微分γ-subdifferential
- ε-次微分ε- subdifferential
- 齐次微分方程homogeneous differential equation
- η-次微分η-subdifferential
- 二次微分quadratic differential
- L-次微分L-sub-differential
- L一次微分L-subdifferential
- 解析二次微分analytic quadratic differential
- 求常系数非齐次微分方程特解的一种新方法--特征多项式法A New Method of Solving Linear Non-homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients--Method of Using Characteristic Polynomial
- Banach空间扰动集值映射最优化的锥次微分稳定性(英文)The Cone-Subdifferential Stability for Perturbed Optimizations of Sed-Valued Maps in Banach Space
- η一次微分η-subdifferential
- 二次微分酌second derivative action
- 邻近次微分proximal subdifferential
- 二阶次微分second-order subdifferentials
- 模糊次微分subdifferentials of fuzzy mapping
- 用逆微分算子法求n阶常系数线性一般非齐次微分方程特解公式The Particular Solution of n-th order General Inhomogeneous Linear Ordinary Differential Equation with Constant Coefficient
- η-次微分映射η-subdifferential mapping