- Cr-Mn-Mo-N不锈钢Cr-Mn-Mo-N stainless steel
- Cr-Mn-Ni-Cu-N奥氏体不锈钢Cr-Mn-Ni-Cu-N Austenite Stainless Steel
- Cr-Mo-W-Mn-Ni铁基堆焊层Cr-Mo-W-Mn-Ni ferric-base hardfacing layer
- 不锈钢不会生锈。Stainless steel does not rust.
- Fe-18Cr-Mn-C-Mo(Si)-N合金系Fe-18Cr-Mn-C-Mo(Si) -N system
- C-N-Cr薄膜C-N-Cr film
- 他们家的餐具是不锈钢制的。Their silver is made of stainless steel.
- Co-Cr-Mo合金Co-Cr-Mo alloy
- 这儿就是不锈钢厂的料场。Here we are in the yard of the steel mill.
- 按模n计数count modulo n
- Fe-Cr-Mn钢Fe-Cr-Mn steel
- 不锈钢坩埚stainless steel crucible
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。s-o-n-g spells "song".
- Cr-Mn-W-MoCr-Mn-W-Mo
- 按模数N校验modulo n check
- 这些器具是用不锈钢制成的。These appliances are made of stainless iron.
- Cu-P-Cr-Ni-Mo耐候钢Weathering steel Cu-P-Cr-Ni-Mo
- n. 克g.
- n. 页p./pp.
- Mo,Mn分离separation of Mo and Mn