- Dimanin C (杀藻杀菌剂)二氯异氰尿酸钠
- 合成杀藻剂synthesized algaecide
- 利用化学杀藻剂控制滇池蓝藻水华研究Control Blue Algal Bloom by Using Algaecide
- 农药,农用化学品用来增加作物产量的化学品,如激素、杀菌剂、杀虫剂A chemical, such as a hormone, a fungicide, or an insecticide, that improves the production of crops.
- 杀藻algae inhibition
- 杀藻作用inactivation of algae
- Quicksan C (杀菌剂)醚汞
- 光催化杀藻photocatalytic killing of algae
- 实验表明:二氯辛基异噻唑啉酮具有良好的灭藻杀菌性能,藻类在活性组分质量浓度1.0 mg/L下曝露96 h,杀灭率大于90%,异养菌在活性组分质量浓度0.5 mg/L下曝露24 h,杀灭率大于99%。The results show that DCOIT has such performance. Treated with 1.0 mg/L active ingredient for 96 h,the algaecidal ratio is over 90%25,and 0.5 mg/L active ingredient for 24 h,the bactericidal ratio is over 99%25.
- 波尔多混合物:一种硫酸铜、石灰和水的混合物,作为杀菌剂喷洒在树和植物上。"Bordeaux mixture:a mixture of copper sulfate, lime, and water that is sprayed as a fungicide on trees and plants."
- 一种新型消毒剂的杀藻研究Studies on the Removing Efficiency of Algae by A New Disinfect Agent
- 杀菌剂disinfectant
- 倍硫磷杀菌剂fenthion
- 一个替代程序是用氯化苄基.二甲基.烷基铵(杀藻胺,NF)的0.13的冰水溶液(1:750)来浸泡患处。An alternate procedure is to soak the affected areas in an iced 0.13%25 water solution (1:750) of Zephiran chloride (benzalkonium chloride solution, NF).
- 他用杀菌剂漱口.He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic.
- 硫磺杀菌剂sulphur fungicide
- 杀藻剂用来杀死或制止水藻生长的物质。A substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of algae.
- 皂用杀菌剂soap germicide
- 种子杀菌剂seed disinfectant
- 不同种类杀菌剂对防治观叶水培花卉根系病害的研究试验The study on the effect of different fungicides in root disease control of water culture flowers