- Edward [Cullen] has a certain aura that makes people be scared of him instinctively and they don't know why. 爱德华具有一种让身边的人都本能的害怕他的气质,但是那些人也不知道为什么害怕他。
- The selfish tramp is tired of supplying Herschell with drugs (along with being scared of him). 自私的流浪汉是厌倦了与毒品供应Herschell(连同正在害怕他)。
- The child was scared of the fierce looking dog. 这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。
- Don't be scared of him. 不要怕他。
- Don't be scared of the supervisor. His bark is worse than his bite and he's really a nice guy. 不要怕那个管理人,他脾气坏心却不坏,他其实是个好人。
- To be a brave man, you should not be scared of danger. 要成为一个勇敢的人,你就不该害怕危险。
- I was scared of slipping on the ice. 我害怕在冰上滑倒。
- Most people are scared of radiation. 一般人对辐射都存有恐惧。
- A: I am scared of spiders, they are so gross! 我好害怕蜘蛛,它们好恶心啊。
- GG was scared of Casper, and would hide... GG拿这个魔头没法,只得四处躲藏...
- I think he was scared of it," Mai Anh said. "迈安说.
- And I am scared of being rebuffed, so we talk. 而我也害怕被拒绝,所以我们交谈着。
- It is said that ghosts are scared of whistling. 据说鬼害怕听到口哨声。
- Don' t be so wet ! Of course you can do it. 你别傻了!你当然能做到。
- Don't be scared of the high-flown language of economists and Cabinet Ministers. 不要被经济学家和内阁大臣们的高谈阔论所吓倒。
- "Oh, what a big mouth", I am scared of the crocodile. “噢,多大的嘴啊”,我很害怕鳄鱼。
- Americans and Europeans should not be scared of Chinese nationalist sentiment. 美国和欧洲人无需害怕中国的民族主义情感。
- Don' t be angry. Can' t you take a joke ? 别生气,难道你经不起开玩笑吗?
- Why is it that we should be afraid of him? 我们为什么要怕他呢?
- Don' t be so nervous loosen up a bit. 别那麽紧张--放松一点.