- Don't fuss with my papers. 不要把我的文件搞乱了。
- Don' t fool with my papers ; you may get them out of order. 不要动我的文件,你可能把它弄乱。
- The wind has played the mischief with my papers. 风把我的文件吹得乱七八糟。
- The wind played mischief with my papers. 风把我的文章吹得乱七八糟。
- Who's been meddling with my papers? 谁翻乱了我的文件?
- Who have is meddle with my papers? 谁动了我的文件?
- Who has been -ling with my papers? 谁动了我的文件?
- Who has been meddling with my papers? 谁把我的文件弄乱了。
- Who have meddled with my papers? 谁动了我的文件?
- Who is been meddling with my papers ? 谁动了我的文件?
- Don' t fuss ; we' re sure to catch the train. 别担心,我们肯定能赶上火车。
- Don' t fuss over your children too much. 不要过份担心你的孩子们。
- Who's been playing about with my papers? They're all out of order. 谁乱动了我的文件?全给弄得乱七八糟的。
- Please don' t meddle with my tools. 请别动我的工具。
- Don' t tinker with my television. 别乱弄我的电视机。
- Somebody’s been interfering with my papers again;I do whish everyone would leave them alone. 又有人动我的稿子。
- I don't wanna be in a fuss with such a metter. 我不想为这种小事大惊小怪。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- I don’t know what I’ll end up doing with my Simms jersey. 送走了阿公和阿叔,我又回到了学校。
- You were expressly told not to touch my papers. 已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件。