- It is idiotic to go shopping with no money. 去买东西而不带钱是很蠢的。
- An objec t is an entity being abstracted. 就当"对象"是对于"实体"的抽象吧!
- T is under a sorghum, insert the dip nib. 笔是高粱杆一节,插入蘸笔尖。
- T is a capital letter, or upper case, and t is lower case. T是大写字母,或叫大写字母盘;t是小写字母盘。
- The %CDT is a better marker for diagnosis of ALD than GGT and MCV. 对于ALD的诊断 ,%25CDT、GGT、MCV均具有一定的诊断价值 ,尤其 %25CDT是一个很好的辅助诊断指标。 %25CDT与GGT联用可提高敏感度
- The Interne r t is another front in Hollywood's war n on piracy. 互联网是好莱坞与盗版作战的又一条前线。
- Others don’t.Prejudicing against those who don’t is an arrogant act designed to entrench a position of perceived superiority by denying others access to knowledge. Some people have the luxury to choose which language they use to acquire knowledge (我个人从大一开始就再也没读过中文的生物方面东西了).
- It is idiotic to wail crisis whenever a boom is inflating or whenever it is bursting. 无论什么时候,繁荣无限膨胀,最终泡沫都会爆裂,白痴才会为这样的“危机”嚎啕大哭。
- Screw stem coupling (B) on stem until travel setting T is reached. 旋转阀杆上的阀杆联轴器(B)的螺纹直到形成设置点T为止。
- Don't is idiotic! 别那么傻了!
- Under his guidance,AT&T is re-emerging as a complete communications provider. 在他的领导下,AT&T重现成为通信方面的一个实力雄厚的供货商。
- The job is up for grabs. Why don' t you apply now ? 那工作谁都可以争取.;你怎麽不现在就申请呢?
- Under his guidance, AT&T is re-emerging as a complete communications provider. 在他的领导下,AT&T重现成为通信方面的一个实力雄厚的供货商。
- I don' t think he is a lazy pupil. 我认为他不是一个懒惰学生。
- If t is treated as a constant, it represents the wave profile at that instant. 若视t为常数,则该式表示这一瞬间的波形。
- Capitalizing is controlling our mind, the ability of justice, the creativity of KFC is idiot mind,following by the number of people who are pursuing the globalization, and commercialization. 资本左右了人们判断对错的能力,无数无知的人,对全球化、工业化的追捧,造就了一个个KFC。
- Under his guidance, AT &T is re-emerging as a complete communications provider. 在他的领导下,AT &T重现成为通信方面的一个实力雄厚的供货商。
- I don' t think his decision is wise in reality. 实际上,我觉得他的决定并不明智。
- Abstract: Strength analysis t is important to the safety of aerostat. 摘要 : 强度较核对保证浮空器的稳定工作及自身安全具有重要意义。
- Don' t believe him ; he is only kidding you on. 别相信他,他只是在和你开玩笑。